
Art Journal Classes

Well, I had a busy week doing “other stuff” around the house.  But this past weekend I attended some amazing Art Journal classes that were taught by the every-s0-lovely Christy Riopel!  After four classes over two days, we ended up completing (or nearly completing) 10 art journal pages!  Wow!  We learned so many cool techniques!  The first page we did used stencils and gesso.
I love how this page turned out!  I used scraps of paper to make the little “hills”.  I used a yellow gelato over the scraps of paper to give them a darker tone.  Stamped a few plants here and there, and a title, and voila!
This one was a bit different.  We started stenciling on the page to make an interesting background.  Then I drew (actually traced) some air balloons on the page.  Then we were instructed to cover the background with gesso.  That gives the background a softer feel.  Then we were told to paint some color around our images using our finger.  Finger?  OMG!  I have to get my hands all mucky?  LOL!  That’s a bit hard for me.  I don’t really like the orange paint that much, but oh well.  Just added some swirl stamps and a saying….done!
We used a Vaseline technique on this page background.  I am not fond of it.  It didn’t seem to work very good for me.  But I love my pink cloud!  And I made a few “Z”s because some of the ladies were thinking it was a crown….well, it’s not a crown now!  LOL!  Kind of a pink, dreamy page.
This was a wonderful, but simple page.  We used some large chipboard letters to make our word.  We then did some splattering.  Traced the letters.  Did some charcoal shading.  Added a stamp to go with our word, and a saying.  Oh, and a border.  Love how this turned out!
There were many more pages, but I still want to add more to them before posting.  So keep checking back….


Submitted on 2014/11/16 at 11:47 am

Sounds like a fun class to take
Lyne – BL
Submitted on 2014/11/12 at 3:36 am
Stopping bu to leave some bloggie love. BL
Submitted on 2014/11/11 at 11:57 am
How fun. I think the 2nd and 4th pages are my favorite. I just love them. I really need to dip back into my art journal. I want one just for motivational quotes because I have so many saved online but would love to put them into artistic view.
Thanks so much for sharing this.
Shanna (BL)

Submitted on 2014/11/11 at 7:52 am

Miranda  BL
Submitted on 2014/11/11 at 7:22 am
FAAAABULOUS pages Darling!  Isn’t Art Journalling Addictive… I cannot wait to see what you do with all these new-to-you Techniques!
Submitted on 2014/11/11 at 4:18 am
Those pages are fantastic. Looked liked you had so much fun working on them. I hope one of those classes come near me. I would love to attend. BL
Submitted on 2014/11/10 at 4:07 pm
Absolutely beautiful work. Sending Bloggie Love (BL)

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