Here’s the second layout I did for March for CSI (Colors, Stories, Inspiration) #250.  No process video at this time :(…hopefully I will be able to do some more process videos in April.  Without further ado…here’s the layout:

CSI 250 Digital Layout

Yes, this a picture of me!  I started chatting on the telephone early, didn’t I?  That set the stage for a teenage life of long talks, and fighting with my sister over the phone!  LOL!

On to showing you the case file/inspiration photo for this layout:


CSI Case File 250

  • 162.220.224 – sky blue
  • 1.139.152 – teal
  • 178.171.127 – olive/khaki
  • 228.27.35 – bright red
  • 86.20.4 – brown


  • Solid cardstock
  • Scallops
  • Clouds
  • Sun
  • Architectural elements
  • Clocks
  • Triangles
  • Lamp/light bulb
  • Labels
  • Paint
  • Owls, birds, or other animals
  • Puffy stickers
  • Flowers
  • Hand-drawn elements
  • Cars/other transportation
  • String/twine
  • Tie something in a knot
  • stamping

TESTIMONY (Journaling ideas)

  • Topic: Document a childhood memory. Find some ideas here.
  • Prompt Idea: Choose a Journal Buddies prompt.
  • Presentation: Use labels for your journaling.
  • Writing Format: Write a list of 6 things.
  • Inspiration Words: absolutely, incredible, care

The ones highlighted in Pink are the items I included in my layout.

So what do you think of this one?  Do you have any layouts about telephones you would like to share?  I would love to hear it!

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  1. You really excelled in solving the case file!
    I particularly enjoyed the nostalgic story! Yes one phone in our homes and tied to the wall!
    Vertical strips are are a great design feature !
    I really like all the descriptions too! TFS at CSI

    1. Thank you so much! I spent long hours on the phone when I was younger. I scraplifted the layout idea. I just love the way all the colorful strips look.

  2. Your page makes me smile . It’s simply adorable. What a sweet photo of you, and how nice that you still have it so that you can scrapbook the childhood memory that goes along with it. Love the colourful background, and the large rotary telephone dial. Kids today would have no idea what that even was. Great job ! TFS your layout with us at CSI.

  3. Could that photo be any cuter?! Love all the phone accents and your mix of patterns! Perfect job with the colors, Jen! So happy to have you playing with us at CSI!

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