Guess Who Is Most Wanted? (June 2016 layout challenge)

I’m so excited!  I just found out that I was picked as one of the “Most Wanted” layouts in June’s (2016) challenge #202 over at CSI Color, Stories, Inspiration!  Woohoo!  I’m so humbled.  I really enjoyed working on the layout for this challenge.

For this challenge I was supposed to use this color pallette, along with using it as inspiration.  I then had a list of Evidence to choose 3 items from.  Also, I had to choose 1 item from the list of Testimony.


There was one last request…we had to use this sketch as inspiration, too.


I enjoyed this!  As I’ve said before, I don’t do digital layouts very often, but I’m really loving working with Photoshop doing these layouts!  This is what I came up with for Challenge #202:


So, what do ya think?  I love looking at old (very old) headstones in graveyards.  Yeah, I might be a bit morbid.  Anyway, I tried to make the background city buildings look like stenciled modelling paste.  I love the way the paint splatters look!  I think this layout looks truly “Peaceful”.

And before I forget…here’s my new “Most Wanted” badge that I’m proud to share with you!



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  1. I love the layout and the subject. My sister and I used to live below a large Cemetery in Ottawa when we were growing up. We played there all the time. Hide and seek and sledding in the winter as it had a great hill. You are inspiring me to go home and create something similar in the non-digital world tonight.

    1. So happy to jog your memory and inspire you! You’ll have to show me your layout when you get it done! I really would love to see it!

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