Have you done 20 layouts in a day? I have!
I recently had a chance to take an amazing class that was very different from your usual scrapbook classes. Â This was a class where you brought all your own stuff for the layouts! Â Wow! Â Using your own stuff? Â What a brilliant concept! Â Lordy knows we all have a crap load of scrappy stuff in our craft rooms. Â We definitely need to start using some of it.

In this class we were told we were going to be doing 20 layouts in a day. Â What? Â Say that again! Â 20 layouts! Â You’re kidding! Â Nope. Â A few weeks before the class we were sent sketches and instructions of what to bring. Â So we designed our own page kits. Â She told us what types of paper, and what minimum sizes were needed. Â It took a while to put the kits together but it had me going through my papers. Â I saw a lot of papers that I forgot I had! Â So fun!
It was a very full day…for sure! Â Each layout went fairly quickly. Â You needed to keep on your toes. Â I didn’t completely finish any of my layouts, but I have the base of each page done, along with photos. Â So at home I just have to add embellishments and a title. Â It usually takes me over four hours to do just one page! Â This is absolutely amazing! Â After this class I definitely needed a drink.
I will start posting some of these layouts soon. Â So make sure you sign up for my posts by email so you don’t miss out!
I want to thank the wonderful instructor of this class…Jennifer Edwardson. Â She is such a wonderful teacher and makes it fun, even though we are working quickly. Â Her website is http://scrapbookinadventures.blogspot.com, and the class is called UYOP 20 Layout Workshop. Â So if you get a chance to take a class from her…do so. Â It was a great experience. Â I so want to do it again!
UPDATE: Â The next UYOP 20 Layout Workshop will be on January 30th, 2016! Â Registration opens this Wednesday, November 25th, 2015. Â Don’t delay….

Sounds like a lot of work but fun! Can't wait to see the designs you came up with!
This sounds like so much fun! I wish I had time to participate!
Wow that's a ton of awesome work! I wish I spent more time scrapbooking!
How fun! I used to LOVE scrapbooking back when I had 1 kid. Then I had two more kids and the scrapbooking went out the window. I'd love to get back to it!
I've never done scrapbooking. I am so impressed by the amount of work you did. Looks like a fun and creative outlet.
I don't scrapbook but I definitely heavily decorate my planner! This would be a great class to take!
oh my goodness – I have not had time to scrapbook in ages – hope to get to soon 😉
Wow! Good for you! My last scrapbook was for my brother of his trip to meet his birth family in Ethiopia.
Woah that is a lot to get through good luck! Hope it goes well.
I wish I had more time scrapbooking. Maybe I will start to digital scrapbooking?
I used to love scrapbooking. I had boxes of supplies, but I would always get most of the way through and stop.
Wow, that's awesome! I used to love scrapbooking, but I was never very good at it. I can make like a page or two, but they don't look very good.
I cannot wait to see what you come up with. This is a great project
That is awesome! I haven't scrapbooked in forever, I just print my instagram now!
Oh boy this brings back scrapbook memories. I used to agonise for hours over a layout, and I was a simple scrapbooks kinda gal (heck I had a layout published by them once). Now I don't even scrapbook, just load em to the blog or facebook. Sometimes I make a digi book to be printed
I haven't made any scrapbooks in quite some time. I still have all the pretty paper and embellishments though!
Really cool. I haven't done pages in years. Its so much fun.
Yes, fun but tiring… 😉
I had so much fun, I'm trying to decide if I'm going to attend the next one in January. Not sure because then I'll have almost all my weekends booked up with scrapbooking retreats for January….
I do enjoy it!
It's never too late! I also do a lot of other kinds of crafts, too. That way I don't get bored with the scrapbooking.
It's only one of my creative outlets. I pretty much enjoy any kind of crafts (except quilting). I just love being creative!
I'm still trying to understand planners. I have one, but I don't see a whole lot of reason to decorate it. But I am going to try this year to make my own planner and planner decorations. We'll see how that goes.
Make time for yourself. It's so much fun!
Wow! I bet that was quite a scrapbook! That must have been very exciting for him!
I will post pictures of each layout as I go along and finish them….
I do digital sometimes, too. I love working with my computer. I enjoy combining digital and traditional, too.
Oh, tell me about it…I have so many UFOs (Unfinished Objects) it's not even funny. Maybe one day I will get some of them finished.
I believe anyone can scrapbook. There is no right or wrong way. They are your memories to display any way you want!
I will post the layouts as I finish them…keep watching…
I guess I could do that, too, but what fun would that be? 😉
It usually takes me about 4 hours to do a page. Ugh! Hopefully it doesn't take me that long to pick out a title and embellishments for each of them!
What are you waiting for then? Get them out and create something! 🙂 There's always Christmas cards to make! 🙂
Yes, it is fun. And I love going to retreats to create with all my friends. Well, actually it's more like we visit and gab with a little crafting thrown in. 😉
I have only done one page. It took me forever to get it right. Great commitment!
That is awesome! And a lot of work. I have tons of supplies, but never seem to put the pages together…