I came down with the illness!
Yep, you haven’t heard much from me in several weeks because I got one heck of a nasty cold! Yes sir, Mr. Nasty Germ paid me a visit.
It started out as a sore throat, then several days of total congestion. I felt like I’d been run over by a truck! And that truck didn’t even leave me any scrappy supplies to play with. 🙁
I felt absolutely miserable! I kept trying to do something in my craft room, but….I just looked at my room, and went back upstairs. Blah! After several days of congestion, I was left with a cough, and lots of goo from Mr. Nasty Germ. He is still hanging on, but I have started feeling like getting things done.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! I was so happy to get a half-decent paper trimmer! I have been dealing with frayed paper edges far too long. Now I have nice clean edges on my paper! Woohoo!
Another gift I got was to go and see my parents for a couple of weeks. Big Woohoo! I’m so excited! I leave very soon. So the posts might be a bit sporadic this month. But I am planning a lot more interaction with you–my fans–in the coming months/year. I have been working on a blog plan. I am going to really try to be consistent this year. That is one of my resolutions I made to myself. I have a lot of ideas planned. So….
Boooooo to nasty germs! I hope you feel 100% really soon, Jen.
Thanks so much!