I got a new phone!
Well, I finally got a smartphone! Woohoo! I’ve only been waiting a couple of years. My son finally had enough of his iPhone….so he got a new one, too. My hubby said I had to wait until our son got a new phone before I could get one. Grrrrr…at the time he got his new phone, the one I wanted (well, the one that hubby and son decided I should get) had to be ordered. They had none in stock. So….waited some more…
After waiting over two weeks…I decided to contact Rogers directly. The Rogers store in the mall could only tell me that the phone wasn’t in yet. That is all, so I Facebooked Rogers (the company). They told me that type of phone is in very limited quantities and I could phone Rogers head office and have them send one to me. Hmmmmm…decided I didn’t want to risk not getting the phone at all. So I went into the mall store and told them I wanted to choose another phone.

So I ended up getting a Samsung Galaxy! It will take me a while to figure it all out, but I’m very happy with it! And of course, I had to personalize it just for me….zebra pattern! 🙂

Submitted on 2014/12/29 at 8:02 pm
It is so nice getting a new phone, hope you like it! I love my Samsung!