My Circle Journal Experience
I just recently took part in my very first Circle Journal group! And what is a Circle Journal you might ask? Well…there were 9 people in our group. Each of us designed our own journal based on our own theme. We could make up any theme we wanted. I chose to base my Circle Journal on “Where do you get your creativity from”? Anyway, you make up the first page on your theme then pass it on to the next person the host has you mail it to. You also have to have a sign in page.
What a way to get to know a group of ladies! Here’s a picture of what I did for Sherri’s journal:
Here journal was about “The Fabric of Life”. She wanted to know what makes up your fabric of life. She included pieces of fabric which you could use on your layout if you wanted. I cut up mine and made my page to look kind of like a patchwork quilt with pictures of what makes up me. I also crocheted a flower and leaves, sprayed them with Glimmer Mist and put a button in the middle of the flower.
It's the first time I've heard of a circle journal. Sounds like a great creative idea
They are so much fun! If you ever have a chance to get into a Circle Journal group…do! It is a wonderful experience! 🙂