New Years Vacation! (Part Two)
After New Years in Vegas, our next stop was on to Los Angeles, California!
The first stop on our agenda was to go to Santee Alley. It is a wonderful shopping district in LA! Great place to get cheap merchandise! My son bought a couple of suits along with shirts, ties, belt, socks.
I found myself a few nice things, too. Including this fantastic purse and wallet! Love it!
We then went to Angel Stadium to take in the Monster Energy Moto Cross. It was being shot live for Fox Sports! It was quite cold…the stadium was open-air. But a cup of hot chocolate helped warm me up a bit.
We enjoyed the afternoon so much! Gorgeous day! Several people were playing instruments and singing. It was also fun watching all the birds hover around the people trying to fish.
Now…on to the final portion of the holiday, which was what I was waiting for by the way. Prima Art Venture!
So stay tuned for my next post…

Looks wonderful Nice memories! BL