What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #380

I’m baaaaaaaack!  After a long, difficult summer…I’m ready to get back into some crafty stuff!

About a month and a half ago I had told you that I was now living in my Inlaws house because my FIL had collapsed, and it was discovered that he has a large brain tumor.  Well, he is still here among the living.  They are saying it is quite a miracle.  And he is practically 100% the same as he was before (except for the brain tumor still there).  It seems to be very slow moving.

Anyway, we now have him and my Mother In Law (who has dementia) in an Assisted Living home.  So we are a bit less stressed now.  Not much, but a bit.  Now the long task of going through the house and seeing what is to keep and what is to go on a garage sale (in the Spring).  Wow!  Doing this is making me want to go home and definitely de-clutter my house!

In the past week I went to a scrapbooking retreat at a friend’s house.  We played Scrapbook Bingo!  Soooooo fun!

I didn’t win, though.  But it was a lot of fun just the same.  We each got goodie bags, and did the most adorable Make-and-Take!


It’s a magnetic note holder!  This is my friend’s pic of hers….I haven’t finished putting together mine yet.  I want to give mine the special “me” touch.

Right now I am taking online classes through a Champions Membership on Scrapaneers.  I thought that since I love to work with my computer so much, I would try and increase my skills at digital scrapbooking.


It doesn’t mean I am going to go strictly digital….It just means I now have ANOTHER scrapbooking option!

It definitely makes it a lot easier when I go to crops/retreats (like I did at my friend’s last weekend).  I just took my laptop, and my Wacom tablet.  Easy peasy packing I must say!  I always tend to forget something when I take my traditional scrapbooking supplies.  That is so frustrating!  But now…just those two things to pack.  A lot less stress, too!

I’m also thinking of doing a video series on digital scrapbooking once I get my skills up a bit.  I have a few friends that would like to know about it.

Have you done any, or thought about doing digital scrapbooking?  Would love to hear/read your comments.

If you want to check out some more desks of some very talented gals…go to where it all starts each Wednesday…Stamping Ground!


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  1. Happy WOYWW. Digital scrapbooking is the only scrapbooking I have done so far! I use Serif CraftArtist software – and have many hundreds of digikits. Have not done any for a while due to starting on book making/art journalling – but planning to incorporate digital art into that too. It is a fantastic way of being creative.

    1. Yes, I do find that I can really let my creativity flow doing digital! I would like to develop some of my own digital kits in the future.

  2. Never tried digi scrapping.. I’m a ‘real life’ girl and taking everything but the kitchen sink to crops and retreats.. lol. Happy WOYWW. Elaine no. 20

  3. I’ve never tried to digital scrapbooking. I always make Mum a scrapbook calendar for Christmas and did on online once. She didn’t like it as much lol. Haven’t made once since. I guess that is Digital scrapbooking in a way.

    Sorry to hear about F/MIL. Such difficult choices. Hopefully things will get a little more settled.

    Have a lovely week
    Sharon K #40

    1. I’m not sure how I would do with a calendar. I like doing digital layouts though. Thanks for your caring and support. I love all the WOYWW ladies! <3

  4. I’m sorry to hear about your FIL. Sending Prayers for both he and you MIL.
    That note holder is cute, looking forward to seeing yours. I never really spent the time doing digital scrapping. Maybe because I have just barely enough time to do the little I do…LOL!
    Have a great week!
    Chris P#34

  5. Yay I can comment on your blog despite it saying you are Google+. It is such a pickle with some blogs for me! Glad you liked my shaped photos (tall and hexagons) , I do like to use as many photos as possible on a page as I scrapbook all our day to day stuff. Not sure I’d ever be happy with digiscrapping though. Thanks for visiting BJ#46

    PS I have to fill out my name and email for your blog but that’s better than not being able to comment without signing up to Google+

  6. So sad about your FIL and MIL. I know what you mean about decluttering. I’m working on that. My daughter is actually helping because she said she might as well do it now so she doesn’t have to do it when I’m dead. Yes, her words. lol. I have attempted digital scrapbooking twice in the past. Two different companies and they both stopped selling their product and stopped supporting their software so don’t feel that I want to try that again. Can’t wait to see what you create though. Thinking of you and sending you bear hugs as being a caregiver is never easy. BL

  7. Nice to read your blog…..I am not from the digital stuff but it’s nice to read and maybe learn a bit about it.
    xxx Plony (BL)

    1. Glad you like my blog! I hope to start doing videos on beginners digi scrapbooking soon. Hope you keep checking me out! 🙂

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